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5 ways to see if you're living the life you are meant to live 

  1. Let's be honest, I'm sure you've heard the saying that some feel they never worked a day in their lives because they love what they do. I wish more of us felt this way. When you wake up in the morning, are you excited (yes, some people are) to face the day? Jot down how many days in a week you feel this way. If 5/7 out of the week you feel excited about what you face ahead in the day-you're on the right track!

  2. Do you feel like you're using your God-given talents to the best of your ability? Here's a tough one because there are many talents that you have (yes, you!) and at different phases of your life, this may and will change. For today, are you making the best choices for you? Ask your Higher Power (for me it's God) for guidance daily, hourly, sometimes minute to minute, "am I on the right path?". You'd be surprised at the power of prayer.

  3. If money were not an issue (yea-you won the lottery), would you still love who you are and what you're doing? I know this is a toughy, but think about this for a bit. I know, for me, parenting is one of the best investments I have ever made (and is often thankless work) and the results take years to come to fruition-once a parent, always a parent. Will you please stop comparing yourself to the Smith's. You don't need to be the head of PTA, room mom, soccer team manager etc. to be a totally awesome parent! Would you miss going to that job outside of the home (or online job) if someone told you-you're free-do what you want for the rest of your life-we'll flip the bill.

  4. Do you end the day with a sigh most days? Do you feel completely drained day after day? You may want to revisit that feeling and try to figure what terms you want to live by. Follow that instinct.

  5. When you look in the mirror, are you happy with what you see-and I don't mean physical appearance, weight,etc. I mean are you proud of who you're becoming? Do you feel free? Has anyone ever told you-you can be/do anything you want to. I'm here to tell you that authenticity is hard work, but the benefits are immeasurable. Get out there! You've got what it takes!

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