6 Lessons to Teach Your Middle SchoolerÂ
It's okay to be or feel "different". How boring would that be if we were all the same?! We're all unique in our own way. Wear those mix...
5 steps to Change Your Outlook
"Get outside. Breath in that fresh air. Take a walk around your neighborhood. Concentrate on really paying attention to what you see....
5 ways to see if you're living the life you are meant to liveÂ
Let's be honest, I'm sure you've heard the saying that some feel they never worked a day in their lives because they love what they do. I...
Ten ways to take care of yourself
1-You rock! Believe in yourself and know that you deserve the best! Take 5 minutes and jot down 5 things you love about yourself...
The Journey of a LifetimeÂ
I'd be lying if I told you that breaking out of my box was an easy task. It took courage, forethought, imagination, and CHANGE. Who wants...
And so I pushed on...
I knew that with determination and lots of research, I could become my authentic self. I knew that I have a love of teaching. My eyes...
 Where to begin..
Now that I figured out that I had to be truthful to myself, I was faced with much resistance. My friends, family, coworkers, even social...
What is at your core?
Several months ago, I began reevaluating my life and what motivated me to become the person I am today. On the cusp of turning 42, I was...
It only starts with one...
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