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The Journey of a Lifetime 

I'd be lying if I told you that breaking out of my box was an easy task. It took courage, forethought, imagination, and CHANGE. Who wants to change the status quo?! I had "quit" my job which was no easy task, especially since my boss flat out said "I'm not accepting it". I was shocked-I never gave a thought that she wouldn't accept it-noone could do that, right?! I was taken off guard by that! I was told to take more time to think about it. Even told her I had given it much thought-meditation, praying, speaking with mentors. I told her exactly what I wanted to do--teach and then pursue alternative medicine when my youngest graduated. No can do-I was told-she wasn't opening the letter of resignation and she was going to speak with her colleagues and "see what she could do". I  never in my wildest dreams thought that would be an option. But heck, I knew what I wanted-I better get working towards it. Next I faced family and friends who thought I was nuts. I had been a registered nurse for 20 years-why make the change now? My core told me "You can't be a sellout"-I needed to follow my passion and I couldn't continue to follow a system that I didn't believe in. Forget about the money-I was positive that I could push through...

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